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Contact person: DESIGNHUB LTD
+254707624629 +254720221333 [email protected]
Service category: Digital, Media & Advertising


Get your Branding RIGHT!

Creative Design | Branding | Commercial Photography | Website design| Advertising | Brand Awareness Training

Who We Are
Your message, your positioning, your target audience, your search-ability are all important things.
But the design — attractiveness — of your brand and advertising is what brings it all to life. We make your message tangible to your customer.
Without good design, there is no energy behind your message, and more often than not, no sale. Helping small - to mid-size service firms better tell their stories and grow is why we are in business. Experience tells us that marketing success stems from good positioning strategy,
which means that in order to successfully advertise, you have to uncover what makes you different from your competitors.
You have to know where you stand within your marketplace and how you compare to your competitors in your customer’s mind.
Do you find yourself facing growth that requires a new look for your brand?

Our Values
Originality, Innovation, Professionalism, Value and Cost on Budget.

Why It Matters
Clear is the new clever. What you see is what you get. We are brand focused and want your product
to be portrayed just as you see it. We want to reflect who you are and what your values are.
We realise that a well and professionally managed brand creates a strong emotional connection with the consumer.

Why Choose Us?
Innovative Designs

A well-crafted strategy determines how well a brand communicates to create loyalty and customer experience. Design Hub innovatively develops a brand from logo origination to application. In addition, our experience defines originality to go out of the normal.

Efficient Photography Services

We understand that a photograph speaks a thousand words if creatively taken in relation to brand values, therefore we offer brand support to create images that efficiently communicate to enhance the visibility of a business.

Effective Branding Services

Effective brand exposure to target audience creates a positive perception depending on colour, typography, images and visual effects. To communicate effectively we offer both indoor and outdoor branding services that complement your brand.

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Contact person: DESIGNHUB LTD
+254707624629 +254720221333 [email protected]
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